What Should Be the First Step of a Structured SEO Plan?

Every successful SEO strategy starts with a pivotal first step, setting the tone for everything that follows.

Written by
Torbjørn Flensted
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April 24, 2024

To ensure your website stands out in the crowded online marketplace, a structured SEO plan is non-negotiable.

But where should you begin?

In this article, we dive deep into the foundational steps of SEO, emphasizing the crucial importance of that very first move: a comprehensive website audit.

What is a Structured SEO Plan?

A structured SEO plan is a detailed, step-by-step blueprint designed to enhance a website's visibility on search engines. It encompasses various strategies, ranging from keyword research to on-page optimization, link building, and high-quality content creation.

What Should Be the First Step of a Structured SEO Plan?

In SEO, the first step of a structured SEO plan is conducting a comprehensive website audit. This is because a website's current state needs to be clearly understood before implementing further strategies.

A structured SEO plan is a step-by-step blueprint to enhance website visibility. It involves keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation.

Why the First Step Can Make or Break Your SEO Strategy

The initial step in an SEO plan is like the foundation of a house. If it's weak or not placed correctly, everything built on top can falter. Getting the first step right ensures the following actions are effective, driving better results and saving time and resources.

Checklist: The First Step of a Structured SEO Plan

Ready to elevate your SEO game?

Here's a hands-on SEO Website Audit Checklist you can literally get your hands on.

  1. Initial Site Benchmarking
    Record baseline metrics: organic traffic, rankings, bounce rate using Google Analytics.
    Test mobile-friendliness using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.
    Gauge site's performance and speed across devices with GTmetrix.
  2. Technical SEO
    Detect crawl errors and sitemap issues via Google Search Console.
    Pinpoint broken links and redirect chains using Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
    Validate SSL/HTTPS security with SSL Labs' SSL Test.
    Scrutinize site architecture's depth and URL structures for SEO-friendliness.
    Confirm correct canonical tag usage to prevent duplicate content issues.
  3. On-Page SEO Elements
    Audit meta titles, descriptions, and header tags for keyword optimization.
    Scan for non-optimized images (size, format, alt text) with TinyPNG.
    Employ Copyscape to uncover potential duplicate content.
  4. User Experience & Engagement
    Analyze site navigation and UX flow for bottlenecks or confusion points.
    Validate mobile UX intuitiveness.
    Use Hotjar to visualize where users click, scroll, and how they navigate your site.
  5. Content Quality & Relevance
    Highlight outdated or thin content in need of refreshment or removal.
    Scrutinize content depth and relevance with competitor benchmarks.
    Validate the strength and relevancy of internal linking patterns.
  6. Off-Site SEO & Backlink Profile
    Leverage Ahrefs to audit backlinks for quality, relevance, and potential toxic links.
    Examine anchor text distribution for over-optimization red flags.
  7. Analytics & Goal Tracking
    Ensure Google Analytics goal and event tracking is set up correctly.
    Double-check Google Tag Manager for proper tag fires and triggers.
    Review attribution models for accurate ROI calculation.

The 5 First Steps of a Structured SEO Plan

  1. Comprehensive Website Audit: A thorough website audit provides a clear snapshot of your site's current status. By assessing the health of a website, one can pinpoint technical glitches, identify content deficiencies, and spotlight user experience challenges. Utilizing tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other SEO audit tools can offer invaluable insights.
  2. Keyword Research: Unearthing the exact terms and phrases your target audience uses is the essence of keyword research. This information not only guides content creation but also informs optimization strategies. Leveraging tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SEO.ai ensures accurate and beneficial results.
  3. On-Page Optimization: Optimizing individual pages of a website to be more receptive to search engines is paramount. This means refining meta tags, headers, and the content itself while also ensuring the site is mobile-friendly and offers a seamless user experience.
  4. Quality Content Creation: Content is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. It's essential to craft content that addresses user queries effectively, showcases your expertise, and positions your website as an industry leader.
  5. Link Building: In the eyes of search engines, backlinks serve as endorsements. A robust link-building strategy focused on acquiring high-quality links from reputable sources boosts your site's trustworthiness and authority.

Structured SEO Plan Template

Get inspired by these steps in a structured SEO plan:

Website Audit Identify technical issues Google Search Console Number of issues found & fixed
Assess user experience Screaming Frog Page load time
Check mobile responsiveness GTmetrix Mobile usability score
Keyword Research Identify target keywords SEO.ai Number of high-potential keywords
Analyze competition SEMrush Keyword ranking improvements
Understand keyword intent Ahrefs Organic traffic for target keywords
On-Page Optimization Optimize meta tags MozBar Click-through rate from SERPs
Ensure keyword-rich content Yoast SEO (for WordPress) Bounce rate
Optimize site structure & internal linking Session duration
Content Creation Develop a content calendar SEO.ai Number of new content pieces
Address user queries AnswerThePublic Engagement metrics (likes, shares)
Stay updated with industry trends Google Trends Organic traffic to new content
Link Building Outreach for guest posts Hunter.io Number of acquired backlinks
Develop high-quality content worth linking to BuzzStream Domain authority improvement
Monitor and disavow toxic backlinks Google Disavow Tool Referral traffic
Mobile & Voice SEO Improve mobile site speed Google PageSpeed Insights Mobile organic traffic
Optimize for voice search Voice search keyword tools Voice search-driven traffic
Continuous Monitoring Track keyword rankings Google Analytics Keyword position changes
Assess website traffic trends Monthly organic traffic growth
Re-evaluate and adapt strategy periodically ROI from SEO activities


Here is the frequently asked questions about SEO plans:

How long does it take to see SEO results?

Generally, it takes between 4-6 months to observe noticeable changes, but this can vary based on competition and the existing state of the website.

Is SEO a one-time activity?

Absolutely not. SEO requires continuous effort. As search engine algorithms evolve, and user preferences change, strategies need to adapt.

How can I gauge the effectiveness of my SEO?

Monitor key metrics like organic traffic growth, keyword ranking improvements, and increases in conversion rates.

Is DIY SEO feasible?

While it's possible to manage SEO independently with the right resources and knowledge, enlisting professional expertise often leads to more rapid and substantial results.

Do backlinks still matter in SEO?

Undoubtedly. Quality backlinks remain a pivotal ranking factor in search engine algorithms.

How frequently should I refresh my content?

Content should be updated whenever it becomes outdated or when there's a shift in user interest or industry trends.

Which holds more significance: SEO or content?

Both are intrinsically linked. While SEO improves visibility, content offers value, driving engagement and conversions.

Are meta tags still relevant?

Yes. Meta tags, especially title and description tags, play a crucial role in influencing click-through rates from search engine results pages.

What Should Be the First Step of a Structured SEO Plan?

This is an article written by:

Passionate SEO expert, Torbjørn Flensted, boasts two decades of industry experience. As the founder of SEO.ai and having run an SEO agency for 13 years, he's spent the last decade pioneering cutting-edge tools, transforming how agencies and professionals approach Search Engine Optimization.